Musing on food and cooking ...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Seven Wonders

Well, I didn't do so well in the new Seven Wonders of the World Voting. My choices way back yonder were Angkor Wat temple, Easter Island statues, the Great Wall, Petra, the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and one that isn't listed: Serpent Mound in Ohio.

And the worldwide voters picked: The Great Wall, Petra, Christ Redeemer of Brazil, Machu Picchu, Chicken Itza, the Taj Mahal, and the Colosseum. So I was two of seven, and I believe that the Pyramids got some sort of special honor for being the only original Seven Wonder still standing.


joshhill1021 said...

Its Chichen Itza not Chicken Itza, which is actually much funnier, thanks for the laugh.

GourmetGoddess said...

*laughs* I never could spell, which is hilarious as I work as a writer. I have trouble with pronouciation once in a while too. I was once trying to comment to friends that a particular male we had seen was "virile," but I pronouced it "viral." Which totally could have been true, but still....